Numenius is a bird genus commonly known as curlews which are characterised by their long, slender, downcurved bills and mottled brown plumage.
The English name may have been influenced by the Old French corliu, "messenger", from courir , "to run".

The genus name Numenius is from Ancient Greek noumenios, a bird mentioned by Hesychius. It is associated with the curlews because it appears to be derived from neos, "new" and mene "moon", referring to the crescent-shaped bill.

1/ Eurasian or common whimbrel (Choắt mỏ cong bé, Numenius phaeopus), also known as the white-rumped whimbrel 
formerly Scolopax phaeopus.
2/ Far Eastern curlew (Choắt mỏ cong hông nâu, Rẽ mỏ cong hông nâu, Numenius madagascariensis)
3/ Eurasian curlew or common curlew (Choắt mỏ cong lớn, Numenius arquata)
 The species name arquata is the Medieval Latin name for this bird, derived from Latin arcuatus, "bow-shaped", referring to the shape of the bill.

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