Picus is a genus of birds in the woodpecker family. It has representatives in Europe, Asia and North Africa.

picidae, picus: woodpecker.

1/ Streak-throated woodpecker (Gõ kiến xanh bụng vằn, Picus xanthopygaeus)
2/ Laced woodpecker (Gõ kiến xanh bụng vàng, Picus vittatus)
3/ Lesser yellownape (Gõ kiến xanh cánh đỏ, Picus chlorolophus)
4/ Red-collared woodpecker (Gõ kiến xanh cổ đỏ, Picus rabieri)
5/ Grey-headed woodpecker (Gõ kiến xanh gáy đen, Picus canus), also known as the grey-faced woodpecker
6/ Black-headed woodpecker (Gõ kiến xanh hông đỏ, Picus erythropygius)

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