The genus Megalurus, family  formerly included additional species but now only one: Striated grassbird.

mega- Ancient Greek μέγας (mégas, “great, large, mighty”).
lurus lurus
 (figurative) being honest, innocent, guiltless

1/ Striated grassbird (Chiền chiện lớn, Megalurus palustris) 
The striated grassbird (Megalurus palustris) is a warbler species in the family Locustellidae, formerly placed in the family Sylviidae, is now the only species placed in the genus Megalurus.
palustris paluster,  palustre (adj.B): inhabiting marshes, bogs, fens; see paludosus,-a,-um (adj.A); see swampy.
palustris, is from the Latin word palus, which means of marshes or swamps and refers to its native habitat. 

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