Red-Vented Bulbul
(Pycnonotus cafer, Bông lau đít đỏ)

The red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) is a member of the bulbul bird family Pycnonotidae of passerines.

Distinguished from the similar sooty-headed bulbul: sooty-headed bulbul has tan and pale front, some subspecies of the sooty-headed bulbul have yellow venter. The red-vented bulbul only has red-venter and has dark body color.

The genus name Pycnonotus is from Greek: puknos "thick" or "compact" and -nōtos "-backed".

Cafer: Jaʽfar meaning in Arabic "small stream/rivulet/creek". It may also be transliterated Jafar, Jaffar, Jafer, Jaffer, Jafur. The Turkish spelling of the name is Cafer, the Azerbaijani Cəfər, the Bosniak Džafer and the Albanian Xhafer.

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