Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Cycling, Family Tours


  • Ashy-Throated Warbler

    Ashy-throated warbler, Grey-faced willow warbler
    (Chích mày xám, Phylloscopus maculipennis)

    The ashy-throated warbler (Phylloscopus maculipennis) is a species of leaf warbler (family Phylloscopidae). 

    The name Phylloscopus combines the Ancient Greek phullon meaning "leaf" and skopos meaning "seeker" (from skopeo, "to watch").
    maculipennis: Latin macula: spot, stain; -pennis: -winged (penna, pennae wing, feather).

  • Chestnut-Crowned Warbler

    Chestnut-Crowned Warbler
    (Chích đớp ruồi đầu hung, Seicercus castaniceps or Phylloscopus castaniceps)

    The chestnut-crowned warbler (Phylloscopus castaniceps) is a species of leaf warbler (family Phylloscopidae).

    Phylloscopidae, Phylloscopus: The Ancient Greek phullon meaning "leaf" and skopos meaning "seeker" (from skopeo, "to watch").
    castaniceps Latin castaneus chestnut-coloured; -ceps -headed (caput head).

  • Limestone Leaf Warbler

    Limestone leaf warbler 
    (Phylloscopus calciatilis)
    Chích núi đá vôi

    The limestone leaf warbler (Phylloscopus calciatilis) is a species of warbler in the family Phylloscopidae.

    The name combines the Ancient Greek phullon meaning "leaf" and skopos meaning "seeker" (from skopeo, "to watch").
    calciatilis: Inhabiting in limeston evironment.
     calci (L). The heel; lime, lime- stone calcitr.
     -atilis (L) indicates place of growth (saxatilis = growing among

  • Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler

    Pale-Legged Leaf Warbler 
    (Chích chân xám, Phylloscopus tenellipes)

    The pale-legged leaf warbler (Phylloscopus tenellipes) is a species of Old World warbler in the family Phylloscopidae. 

    The name Phylloscopus combines the Ancient Greek phullon meaning "leaf" and skopos meaning "seeker" (from skopeo, "to watch").
    tenellipes Latin tenellus delicate; pes foot.

  • Phylloscopus

    Leaf warblers are small insectivorous passerine birds belonging to the genus Phylloscopus. Leaf warblers were formerly included in the Old World warbler family but are now considered to belong to the family Phylloscopidae, introduced in 2006.

Vietnam Adventure Travel