Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Cycling, Family Tours

Xuan Thuy National Park

Fauna and Flora at Xuan Thuy National Park in Nam Dinh in Vietnam: birds, bird species, wildlife, fauna, animal species, butterfly species.

  • Asian Dowitcher

    Asian dowitcher (Choắt chân màng lớn, Limnodromus semipalmatus) is a rare medium-large wader.

  • Asian koel

    The Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus, Tu hú Chau a) is a member of the cuckoo order of birds, the Cuculiformes. It is found in the Indian Subcontinent, China, and Southeast Asia.

    The specific epithet scolopaceus is Modern Latin meaning "snipe-like" from Latin scolopax meaning "snipe" or "woodcock".

  • Baer's pochard

    Baer's pochard (Vịt đầu đen, Aythya baeri) is a diving duck found in eastern Asia. It breeds in southeast Russia and northeast China, migrating in winter to southern China, Vietnam, Japan, and India. The duck takes its name from the Estonian naturalist Karl Ernst von Baer.

  • Bar-tailed Godwit

    Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica, Chắt mỏ thẳng đuôi vằn) is a migratory bird and commonly found at the Giao Thuy National Park during the winter time.

  • Black-capped kingfisher

    Black-capped kingfisher (Sả đầu đen, Halcyon pileata, Todiramphus chloris) is a tree kingfisher which is widely distributed in tropical Asia from India east to China, Korea and Southeast Asia.

  • Black-faced spoonbill

    Black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) is a wading bird species of ibis and spoonbill family regarded as an endangered species.

  • Black-tailed Godwit

    Black-tailed Godwit (Choắt mỏ thẳng đuôi đen, Limosa limosa) is a large, long-legged, long-billed shorebird. The bird is migrant and commonly found at the Giao Thuy National Park during the winter time.

  • Blue-tailed bee-eater

    Blue-tailed bee-eater (Trảu ngực nâu, Merops philippinus) is a near passerine bird in the bee-eater family Meropidae. It is widely distributed across South and Southeast Asia where many populations are strongly migratory.

  • Broad-billed Sandpiper

    Broad-billed Sandpiper (Calidris falcinellus, Dẽ mỏ rộng) is a small wader, Scolopacidae family, Calidris genus.

    The bird is a pass-through winter bird, commonly sighted at the Xuan Thuy National Park.

  • Chestnut-winged Cuckoo

    The chestnut-winged cuckoo or red-winged crested cuckoo (Khát nước, Clamator coromandus) is a cuckoo found in Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia.

  • Chinese Egret

    Chinese egret (Cò trắng Trung Quốc, Egretta eulophotes) or Swinhoe's egret is a threatened species of egret from east Asia.

  • Collared kingfisher

    Collared kingfisher (Sả khoang cổ, Todiramphus chloris) also known as mangrove kingfisher is a medium-sized kingfisher belonging to the subfamily Halcyoninae, the tree kingfishers.

  • Common buttonquail

    The Common buttonquail, Kurrichane buttonquail, small buttonquail, or Andalusian hemipode (Cun cút, Turnix sylvaticus) is a buttonquail, one of a small family of birds which resemble, but are unrelated to, the true quails. This species is resident from southern Spain and Africa through India and tropical Asia to Indonesia.

  • Common emerald dove

    The common emerald dove (Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica, Cu luồng), also called Asian emerald dove and grey-capped emerald dove, is a widespread resident breeding pigeon native to the tropical and subtropical parts of the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia.

  • Common Greenshank

    The Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia, Choắt lớn) is a wader in the large family Scolopacidae, sandpiper, Tringa genus.

  • Common kingfisher

    Common kingfisher (Eurasian kingfisher, river kingfisher, Bồng chanh thường, chim bói cá sông, Alcedo athis) is small kingfisher, shy, with orange-and-blue plumage.

  • Common Moorhen

    Common moorhen
    also known as the waterhen or swamp chicken, Eurasian Moorhen
    (Gallinula chloropus)

    The common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), also known as the eurasian moorhen, waterhen or swamp chicken, is a bird species in the rail family (Rallidae).

    Rallidae: from rallus new Latin for rail, an aquatic bird.
    Gallinula: Latin for "little hen or chicken".
    The Greek chloropus: Chloris ("Khloris" or from "Khloros"), meaning "greenish-yellow," "pale green," "pale," or "fresh";
    pous foot.

  • Common pochard

    Common pochard (Vịt đầu đỏ, Aythya ferina) is a medium-sized diving duck. Pochards breed in much of temperate and northern Europe and across the Palearctic. They are migratory, and spend winter in the south and west of Europe.

  • Common Redshank

    Common Redshank (Tringa totanus, Choắt nâu) is an Eurasian wader, Scholopacidae family, tringa genus. The bird is a winter pass-through bird, commonly sighted at the Xuan Thuy National Park.

  • Common shelduck

    Common shelduck (Vịt khoang, Tadorna tadorna) is a waterfowl species of the shelduck genus, Tadorna. This species is mainly associated with lakes and rivers in open country, breeding in rabbit burrows, tree holes, haystacks or similar. In winter it is common on suitable estuaries and tidal mudflats as well.

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Vietnam Adventure Travel